What Is The Caucus?
The Glencoe Caucus consists of two Nominating Committees that slate candidates for Glencoe’s elected positions on all boards that oversee local government. It also includes an Advisory Council to oversee the operation of the Nominating Committees.
Voters elect the membership of the two Nominating Committees in the Spring of even-numbered years. During the following Fall, these elected members accept applications from those wishing to serve on local Boards; they then vet these candidates and select a slate for all Board vacancies.
During the Spring of odd-numbered years, the Caucus’ slate runs in the State of Illinois general election.
School Board Nominating Committee (SBNC)
The SBNC vets and then slates candidates to run for election to the District 35 Board of Education. It also selects District 35’s representative on the New Trier Township High School District 203 Board of Education Caucus.
To see a roster of current SBNC members, please click here. If you’re interested in running for SBNC membership, please click here for more information including how to apply, deadlines for submitting your application, and the SBNC application itself.
Village Nominating Committee (VNC)
Similarly, the VNC vets and then slates candidates to run for Village President as well as the positions on the Village, Park District, and Library Boards.
To see a roster of current VNC members, please click here. If you’re interested in running for VNC membership, please click here for more information including how to apply, deadlines for submitting your application, and the VNC application itself.
Advisory Council (AC)
Usually composed of 6 – 8 members, the AC is a non-caucus group that manages all Caucus finances, interprets provisions of the Caucus Plan, assists with campaigning, and gives advice to the two nominating committees. The AC’s additional responsibilities include managing the general operations, marketing, outreach, and communications efforts of the Caucus as well as serving as the “institutional memory” of the organization. To see a roster of current AC members, please click here.
Members of the Advisory Council are elected at the biennial Caucus Town Meeting and serve for a single four-year term.